
Saturday, 23 April 2016

Musa Membuat Merinding Juri dan Penonton saat Membacakan Alquran

Musa La Ode Abu Hanafi yang akrab dipanggil Musa, Hafiz cilik berusia 7 tahun ini baru saja membanggakan Negara asalnya Indonesia dalam acara Musabaqah Hifzil Quran (MHQ) International di Sharm El-Sheikh Mesir pada 10-14 April 2016. Musa yang saat itu adalah peserta terkecil dibanding peserta lainnya berhasil mengalahkan peserta lainnya yang berasal dari kurang lebih 80 Negara di seluruh dunia.

Prince "Before Dying, he's talk to someone"

 Prince Roger Nelson, we know as Prince. Some arguments about his death still come opinion by some people. But if you know, that before he dying he's talk to someone in his house.

This Kid Come like Hero NURDIN

HERO - Tha't the right word to explain what this boy doing. In Semarang, Indonesia, there have a boy, and his name is Daffa Farros Oktoviarto. He just nine years old but do you know why he can be called as hero ? This boy stoped motorcyle that break traffic with across the street at traffic road. That in traffic road use to people for walk in that.