
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Hukum Pelaku Pemerkosaan dan Pembunuhan Gadis 14 Tahun Seberat-Beratnya !!

Jakarta - Kasus pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap salah satu gadis berusia 14 tahun di Bengkulu mendapatkan respon sangat banyak dari masyarakat Indonesia. Berdasarkan pendapat mereka, kejadian itu sungguh memprihatinkan dan sangat tragis. Gadis tersebut diperkosa oleh 14 orang pelaku seusai mereka meminum tuak. Hal ini terjadi pada hari Sabtu, 2 April di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu. Setelah diperkosa, gadis itu dibunuh dan dibuang di semak-semak.

Justin Bieber Doing Something Wrost Again

Many times we know Justin do something wrost to public people. And now he got a new problem which finally he be charged by Robert. Robert Earl Morgan when this accident happen was be at Cle di Houston a night club month ago. He saw his idol, Justin  Bieber in that club too and try to record activities of Justin which at that time being drunk. But looked Robert was recorded him, Justin look angry and walk up to Robert.

A Little Secret about Justice League Part One !

Okay guys, we heard about synopsis Justice League part one, and i will gonna tell you. Their synopsis was revealed by My Entertainment World even that's not yet have confirmation from Warner Bros. In that synopsis there are 2 enemy that gonna be fight by Justice League, Darkseid and Braniac. Braniac is great enemy from Superman and have big potential became archenemy in this movie. But in their synopsis tell us about Darkseid who will gonna fight with the Justice League.

#Review Movie : Justice League Part One

So many superhero movies in circulation make this year gonna be superhero's year i said. We know that Civil War, Batman vs Superman, TMNT and anything else are example that superhero's movie was very interested by audience. And now Warner Bros wants to make New Superhero Movie "Justice League Part 1" and this movie was believed are advanced from Superman vs Batman movie.

#Review Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Out of The Shadows' !!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, tha amazing movie always make us to waiting for their new movies. And now, here they are, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was prepared for their new movies. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of The Shadows. You can watch their trailer on Youtube that the latest trailer was publicated on this day. 

FROZEN 2 : Some people said that Elsa to be a Lesbian Princess

 Frozen, this disney movie 2013 which have a lot of audience, so who's doesn't know this movie ? Frozen 2 will be created and ready to satisfy fan's want in 2018. Some many online campaign that discuss about this movie. And what a imagination that some people wants in Frozen 2? They want Elsa became a lesbian princess in that movie. Elsa and her sister Anna were the stars of the record-breaking 2013 movie, inspired by Hans Christian Anderson’s tale 'The Snow Queen’.

Sabina Altynbekova "The Beauty of Kazakhstan"

Sabina Altynbekova a volleyball player that so beatiful and had become the subject of conversation in some media social. That girl now 18 years old, born in Kazakhstan. And now Sabina became profesional volleyball playes that make Professional team from Japan, GSS Sunbeams interested to invited her to their team. And Sabina was planned to invite to play in V Challenge League, a Volly League in Japan.