
Saturday, 23 April 2016

This Kid Come like Hero NURDIN

HERO - Tha't the right word to explain what this boy doing. In Semarang, Indonesia, there have a boy, and his name is Daffa Farros Oktoviarto. He just nine years old but do you know why he can be called as hero ? This boy stoped motorcyle that break traffic with across the street at traffic road. That in traffic road use to people for walk in that.

He's not afraid, he said that "this road for walker, not for motorcyle" A bikers called his named beny have an argument with this boy, but this boys respond him with her courage cause he know that he's right and after that the bikers was surrender and back to the road.

In Indonesian, this boy get some appreciation from community in Semarang. Even the mayor of Semarang went to the his school and give him appreciation for his doing to curb this offense. So, why you gonna do if you have this situation ? Even as a boy he have a big courage to get justice in this world. Let's appreciate him for his good job as a kids. We proud to have you Daffa. 

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