
Saturday, 30 April 2016

Chris Hemsworth Reaction about Thor that not available in Civil War

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Maybe some Avenger's Fans wonder why Thor and Hulk are not available in Captain America:Civil War ? When The Avengers was separate became 2 group, where Hulk and Thor ? In Ace Showbiz, Chris Hemsworth cast of Thor isn't just quiet to ask many question about Thor, Chris have his own reaction to answer this question, of course he was not satisfied with his absent in this movie.

In one video, Chris show to the audience his feeling about his absent in this movie, he talked that he didn't hurt to know that he don't be choosen to became star in this movie. In this video, Chris said that "Let us know when you finished messing around and the big kids were great to be entered". 
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And we have a good news for Hulk and Thor fans that Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo cast of Hulk will back again in Movie Thor : Ragnarok. In this movie will describe about journey from this two character. And this movie will be produced by Taika Waititi, apart Chris and Mark, they will combine with Tessa Thompson and Cate Blanchett. This movie will be released possibility in AS at November 3th 2017.

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